Kaye Mortley
Là-haut, Struthof

June 29 - October 6 2024

Producted by the Atelier de Création Radiophonique (France Culture) April 30, 1995 (total duration 115'36).

Three sequences (June 2024, 38'50).
Sequence n°1 "You enter here through the door... you only exit through the chimney..."Sequence no. 2 "My dear German brothers of Alsace...we are here to set you free..." Sequence no. 3 "And who by fire.. .and who by water... and who by hunger... and who by gas..."

With Leon Boutbien, Roger Linné, Gilbert May and other former prisoners, José Flageolet, Jean-Paul Klee, Freddie Raphaël, Conrad Winter and others from Alsace,
Voices: Jürgen Ellinghaus, Yvonne Steil and Mathilde
Production group: Eric Boisset, Monique Burguière, Ghislaine David
Texts: Aschenspur/ Traces de cendres/ Traces of ash
Klaus F. Schmidt - Mâcon
Music: Gorecki

As part of the exhibition “Jean-Claude Gautrand – Libres Expressions”, the Department of Sound Art is programming the work of Kaye Mortley, Là-haut, Stuthof.
“Once, a long time ago - I was a student in Strasbourg at the time - I discovered the Struthof camp in the Vosges - the only officially established ‘extermination’ camp on French territory. It was a shock. No one had ever told me it existed... At the time, the camp was still standing.Hidden in deep forests, rows of wooden barracks descended a mountainside so steep that no prisoner could escape... the gallows... the operating table... the crematorium... even the former deportee, a lad from the neighbouring village, who acted as a guide mimicking the tortures inflicted on those interned. I went there two or three times... In the end I was disgusted. I couldn’t go back. Years went by... And I knew that I had to go back again... that I had to listen to this place of silence, that I had to try to make it speak...»Kaye Mortley

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Kaye Mortley, Là-haut, le Struthof